Connecting GitHub to Netlify with the Academic Theme

I’m making a quick post now to record some of the pain points I hit trying to get the initial version of this site up and running.

Connecting RStudio to GitHub

I’m making a note of this here because I always have trouble getting RStudio to sync with GitHub initially, and then forget what the problem was when it’s time for me to set up a new project. RStudio wouldn’t let me stage most of the blogdown files. So I had to do the following:

git add .

git commit

git push

And don’t be afraid to delete .git/index.lock

Connecting GitHub to Netlify

After following the instructions (here)[] I got this fun error that the internet does not know how to fix:

7:25:35 PM: Error: "/opt/build/repo/themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/functions/get_address.html:21:1": parse failed: template: partials/functions/get_address.html:21: function "return" not defined

The problem is that it wasn’t finding netlify.toml, which the Academic theme puts in a subdirectory where Netlify couldn’t find it. And then once I moved it to the root directory, it contained additional parameters that made Netlify crash in a different way!

The solution was to delete a bunch of problematic stuff from netlify.toml down to this minimum document and put it in the website’s root folder:

  command = "hugo"
  base    = ""
  publish = "/public"

  HUGO_VERSION = "0.68.3"

  HUGO_ENV = "production"

  for = "*.webmanifest"
    Content-Type = "application/manifest+json; charset=UTF-8"

  for = "index.xml"
    Content-Type = "application/rss+xml"

Then it compiled.

Removing extraneous menus

The list of menus is in this file:


Also, about .gitignore..

If you want git to ignore html files, for example those in the “public” directory, after you update .gitignore you need to do the following to clear git’s cache:

git rm -r --cached public/**

git commit -m "Removed files...."

Getting Google Analytics to work

Took a while, but the crux is that you put in your Google Analytics tracking ID and do not also put anything in about Google Tags.

This file has the logic: /themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/marketing/google_analytics.html

So you can define either GoogleAnalytics in config.toml, or google_analytics in params.toml.

Christopher Belanger, PhD MBA
Christopher Belanger, PhD MBA
Data Scientist
Policy Expert

My research interests include data science, marketing, and public policy, bridging the quantitative-qualitative divide.

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