
Building a Chat App with R and Shiny

How to build a basic chat application in R using Shiny, RSQlite databases, and CSS. The underlying logic can also be used for serious business applications.

Teaching a Computer to Talk* *(Sort of)

Using math to provide future generations with an infinitely renewable source of Dr. Seuss stories and Doug Ford campaign speeches. Includes an interactive web app and an R package.

Ontario, Meet Your MPPs (Most Prolific Posters)

How do politicians in Ontario use Twitter? Who do they talk to, and what do they talk about? In this post, we'll look at what and who politicians care about by analyzing their public statements on social media.

valhallr: An R Interface to the Valhalla Routing Engine

The 'valhallr' package provides an R interface to the Valhalla routing engine--the same one Tesla uses in its cars. This post introduces the package and demonstrates how to use it to generate turn-by-turn directions, origin-destination analyses, and isochrones.

COVID Countdown! Building a Shiny Dashboard to Track Vaccinations in Canada

Trudeau has committed to vaccinating every willing Canadian against COVID-19 by September. So how's it going so far? I built a dashboard to find out, and, well...

A Fast, Effective, and Simple Classification Model for Customer Reviews

This post presents a new, simple, fast, and effective model for predicting a Yelp review's star rating from its review text, including an interactive demonstration app and a downloadable R package.

OCTranspo Route Mapping in R: Part 1

In this post I’m going to explain how to start using R’s tidytransit package to plan trips on OCTranspo, Ottawa’s public transit system. OCTranspo makes a lot of its data available online, but they leave out a key file called transfers.